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Old 2nd March 2008, 00:29   #1  |  Link
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CutFrames: Opposite of Trim

# CutFrames() - March 9th, 2008
#  Cut a range of frames from a single a/v clip.
# Parameters: 
#  int start - start of cut
#  int end - end of cut
#  int duration - duration of fade between cuts
#  int fade_color - blank clip color (usually in Hex RGB) used at start or end of clip only
#  string transition - pass a function name, if user wants to use something other then Dissolve
#  val opt1 - pass a variable to the fade/transition function
#  val opt2 - pass a variable to the fade/transition function
#  val opt3 - pass a variable to the fade/transition function
# Preconditions:
#  start >= 0 ; start can not be a negative value
#  start-duration > 0
#  start = 0 then a fade in is used
#  end = 0 cut till the end of the clip and a fade out is used
#  start != end ; mainly a condition to check for start == 0 and end == 0

function CutFrames(clip c, int start, int end, int "duration", int "fade_color", string "transition", val "opt1", val "opt2", val "opt3")
	# Set Defaults
	duration = default(duration, 0)
	transition = default(transition, "Dissolve")
	fade_color = default(fade_color,$000000)
	opt1=(Defined(opt1) ? ", "+string(opt1): "")
	opt2=(Defined(opt2) ? ", "+string(opt2): "")
	opt3=(Defined(opt3) ? ", "+string(opt3): "")
	opts = opt1 + opt2 + opt3
	end = c.Framecount()-1 == end ? 0: end
	d = c.BlankClip(duration, color=fade_color)
	# Check For Any Unreasonable Inputs
	Assert(start >= 0, "CutFrames: Starting Frame[" + String(start) + "] must be a positive value")
	Assert((start == 0) || (start-duration >= 0), "CutFrames: Starting Frame[" + String(start) + "] must be greater then or equal to" + Chr(10) + " inputed duration[" + String(duration) + "]")
	Assert(start <> end, "CutFrames: Start and End cannot both be the same")
	Assert(end <= c.Framecount()-1, "CutFrames: End[" + String(end) + "] is greater then " + Chr(10) + "clip length[" + String(c.Framecount()-1) + "]")
	Assert((end == 0) || (end+duration <= c.Framecount()-1), "CutFrames: Ending Frame[" + String(end) + "] must be less then or equal to" + Chr(10) + " last frame - duration [" + String(c.Framecount()-1-duration) + "]")

	# Select uncut frames (or blanks) as transition components:
	clip1 = (start == 0) ? d : c.trim(0, -start)
	clip2 = (end == 0) ? d : c.trim(end+1, 0)

	# Perform transition:
	Eval(transition + "(clip1, clip2," + string(duration) + opts + ")")
General Examples: - Assuming clip is 1000 frames in length
CutFrames(200, 400) - Cut out frames 200-400 from the video. Resulting length: 799
CutFrames(200, 400, 20) - Cut out frames 200-400 using Dissolve() for a 20 frame fade. Transition starts on frame 180; Resulting length: 779
CutFrames(210, 390, 20) - Cut out frames 210-390 using Dissolve() for a 20 frame fade. Transition starts on frame 190; Resulting length: 799
CutFrames(400, 200, 20) - Replay frames 200-400 using Dissolve() with a 20 frame fade. Transition starts on frame 380; Resulting length: 1179
CutFrames(200, 400, 20, $000000, "TransSwing", false, 1, 1) - Cut out frames 200-400 using TransSwing() for a 20 frame fade, passing 3 additional arguments to TransSwing(). Transition starts on frame 180; Resulting length: 779
CutFrames(0, 400) - Cut out frames 0-400 from the video. Resulting length: 599
CutFrames(0, 400, 20) - Cut out frames 0-400 from the video using Dissolve() for a 20 frame fade from black (FadeIn). Resulting length: 599
CutFrames(200, 0) - Cut out frames 200-1000 from the video. Resulting length: 199
CutFrames(200, 0, 20) - Cut out frames 200-1000 from the video using Dissolve() for a 20 frame fade into black (FadeOut). Resulting length: 199
CutFrames(0, 400, 20, $FF0000) - Cut out frames 0-400 from the video using Dissolve() for a 20 frame fade from red (FadeIn). Resulting length: 599

  • When using this multiple times, work backwards. Cut frames from the end of the clip first. By doing this, your cuts will be independent from each other.
    CutFrames(900, 950)
    CutFrames(800, 850)
    CutFrames(650, 700)
  • Inserting ShowFrameNumber(x=10, y=30) before any cutframes() will show what frame you're currently on.
  • If your looking for audio cuts add something like this before CutFrames()
    AddBorders(300, 0, 0, 0)
    ShowFrameNumber(x=width()-100, y=30)
    Or a better way using AudioGraph(). Stickboy made a nice wrapper for stereo output.
    ShowFrameNumber(x=10, y=30)
    You can place these after all your CutFrames() to see the resulting sound/waveform.
  • Place your CutFrames() inside a function. This allows you to comment out all your cuts at once.
    Function Cut(clip c)
    	CutFrames(254700, 0, 15)
    	CutFrames(194974, 254027, 15)
    	CutFrames(0, 189730, 15)
    Taking this one step further, you can create multiple segments and order them in any way; selectively applying filters as well.
    original = last
    last + Grayscale(segmentB(original))
    function segmentA(clip c)
    	CutFrames(254700, 0, 15)
    	CutFrames(194974, 254027, 15)
    	CutFrames(0, 189730, 15)
    function segmentB(clip c)
    	CutFrames(3390, 0, 15)
    	CutFrames(580, 2700, 15)
    	CutFrames(0, 460, 15)

Loop() can delete frames as well. Second to last example on page.

Future Ideas:
This is a RFC (Request For Comments), your input is greatly appreciated.

March 4th, 2008: Got rid of ugly logic - Thanks Gavino
March 7th, 2008: Added error checking and FadeIn/FadeOut - Thanks stickboy for pointing out how this can fail and for header suggestions
March 8th, 2008: Improved End error checking
March 8th, 2008: Fixed cut points, now they are excluded - Thanks Gavino. Examples changed as a result.
March 9th, 2008: More code cleanup, added color option to fadeI/O, fixed end boundary condition - Thanks Gavino.

Last edited by mikeytown2; 15th March 2008 at 14:04.
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