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Old 29th April 2015, 22:01   #17  |  Link
HeartlessS Usurer
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LocateFrame.avs Part 2 of 2

    myName      = "LocateFrames: "
    ver         = "v1.10 - 25 June 2014"                # Version Number
    Assert(RT_FunctionExist("GScript"),myName+"Essential GScript plugin installed,")
    c = c.Killaudio()   f = f.Killaudio()               # Audio not needed.
    Thresh      = Default(Thresh, 0.0)                  # Threshold for declaring match, Default==0.0 to search for best possible match.
    Thresh2     = Default(Thresh2,0.0)                  # Threshold2 Default==0.0, find clip f, not time ordered.
    Start       = Default(Start,0)                      # Frame to start search from.
    Stop        = Default(Stop,0)                       # Frame to stop search (0 == last frame + 1).
    XP          = Default(XP,true)                      # Extra Paranoid, dont fully trust Thresh.
    Chroma      = Default(Chroma,False)                 # Default Luma Only.
    ChromaWeight= Default(ChromaWeight,1.0/3.0)         # Default, 33% of Total Difference (Combined U and V).
    Prefix      = Default(Prefix,"LF_")
    Debug       = Default(Debug,True)                   # v1.10, changed True
    DB          = Default(DB,"")                        # DBase not default
    Start       = (Start<0)?0:Start                     # Silent check
    Stop=(Stop<=0||Stop>c.FrameCount)?c.FrameCount:Stop # Silent check
    cfrms       = Stop-Start                            # Number of frames to scan in c
    ChromaWeight=(Chroma)?ChromaWeight:0.0              # If Not Needed, ignore default weight.
    Assert(c.Width==f.Width,myName+"- Clip Width mismatch")
    Assert(c.Height==f.Height,myName+"- Clip Height mismatch")
    Assert(RT_VarIsSame(c,f),myName+"- ColorSpace Mismatch")    # Same colorspace ?
    Assert(cfrms>0,myName+"- Invalid Start>=Stop")
    Assert(Thresh>=0.0,myName+"- Invalid Thresh")
    Assert(f.Framecount<=cfrms,myName+"- f Frames > c[START,STOP] Frames")
    Assert(ChromaWeight>=0.0&&ChromaWeight<=1.0,myName+"- ChromaWeight Range 0.0->1.0")
    MODE = (DB!="")
    Ordered  = Thresh < Thresh2                         # If true then: Find frames are in time order (match(f[n]) searches from match(f[n-1])+1
    FMT="%sFOUND=%-6d %sFIND=%-6d %sDIFF=%f %sSTART=%d %sEND=%-6d %sXPCNT=%-3d %sMATCH=%d"
    Result = ""
        (DEBUG) ? RT_DebugF("\n%s %s (%s Mode)\n",myName, Ver,(!MODE)? "STRING" : "DBASE",name=myName) : NOP
        if(MODE) {RT_DBaseAlloc(DB,0,"iifiiii")}
        for (ix = 0, f.Framecount-1) {                  # Iterate through find frames clip.
            s = Start                                   # Init Start search position
            BestSoFar       = s                         # Search start position
            BestSoFarDiff   = 255.0 + 1.0               # Maximum Possible + 1
            sS =s                                       # Start offset this time
            mS= 0                                       # " (BM:  )", Init to 'scanned all the way' message (Flag Best Match).
            eterm=(Ordered)?Stop-f.Framecount+ix:Stop-1 # Init last frame to compare for this iteration.
            e=eterm                                     # Init to 'scanned all the way'
            Assert(s<=e,myName+"- Internal Error, s > e")  # Oops.
            xpCnt=0                                     # Prep XP skip Count string
            for(n=s, eterm) {               # Search c clip(s to eterm) or until satisfactory match found. (eterm evaluated on entry only)
                # Difference to current find frame.
                if(CurrDiff < BestSoFarDiff) {          # Better match than found so far ?
                    BestSoFar       = n                 # Remember frame number
                    BestSoFarDiff   = CurrDiff          # Remember difference
                    if(BestSoFarDiff <= thresh) {       # Good enough to satisfy user requirement ?
                        e=BestSoFar                     # Where we've scanned to so far
                        mS=2                            # " (T1:  )", Found satisfactory frame, (Flag Thresh)
                        if(XP && BestSoFar < eterm && BestSoFarDiff > 0.0) { # DBug will NOT enter here!, eterm condition will fail.
                            tmp = BestSoFar             # Remember
                            for(n=BestSoFar+1,eterm) {
                                e=n                                 # We scanned more frames past original BestSoFar
                                if(CurrDiff < BestSoFarDiff) {      # Better match ?
                                    BestSoFar    = n                # Remember frame number
                                    BestSoFarDiff= CurrDiff         # Remember difference
                                } else {
                                    n = eterm+1                     # Force Exit with current_frame == eterm + 2 (normally exit @ eterm+1)
                            if(BestSoFar != tmp) {
                                mS=3                   # " (T1:XP)", Found satisfactory frame, (Flag Thresh, and Xtra Paranoid found better frame)
                                XpCnt=BestSoFar-tmp    # How many frames Xtra Paranoid skipped to find better match than Thresh.
                        Start=(Ordered)?BestSoFar+1:Start   # If required, Next time search from BestSoFar + 1
                        n = eterm + 1                       # Force Exit with current_frame == eterm + 2 (normally exit @ eterm + 1)
            if(Ordered && n == eterm+1 && BestSoFarDiff < Thresh2) {
                mS = 1                                      # " (BM:T2)", For Log, Time ordered, (Flag, Best Match and Thresh2)
                Start = BestSoFar + 1                       # Next time start from BEST MATCH found + 1.
            if(MODE) {
                (DEBUG) ? RT_DebugF(FMT,Prefix,BestSoFar,Prefix,ix,Prefix,BestSoFarDiff,Prefix,sS,Prefix,e,Prefix,XpCnt,Prefix,mS,name=myName) : NOP
            } Else {
                Text = RT_String(FMT, Prefix,BestSoFar,Prefix,ix,Prefix,BestSoFarDiff,Prefix,sS,Prefix,e,Prefix,XpCnt,Prefix,mS)
                Result = RT_TxtAddStr(Result,Text)              # Avoid string concatenation bug in v2.58 and v2.6a3.
                (DEBUG) ? RT_DebugF("%s",Text,name=myName) : NOP
    """) # End Of GScript
    return (MODE) ? f.FrameCount : Result           # Int return for Dbase and String if not DBase
I sometimes post sober.
StainlessS@MediaFire ::: AND/OR ::: StainlessS@SendSpace

"Some infinities are bigger than other infinities", but how many of them are infinitely bigger ???
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