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Old 3rd June 2019, 05:46   #56465  |  Link
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Originally Posted by Warner306 View Post
I don't think it is BS. The original Blu-ray version was color graded as you wanted it to appear. It was Christopher Nolan that didn't want any manipulation of the Kodak film scans. All of his UHD movies distinctly look like old film prints. I don't always like it the look in some of those movies, but I don't think anyone would deliberately color the movie that way.
Nolan pulled the same stuff for 2001 re-release.
Warner is doing it again for the upcoming Batman releases (see screenshots)
This is done on purpose. Teal & Orange grading is a thing in hollywood nowadays (read more about why they do it here). I am ok with the artistic choice for a new movie, but I dislike it when they retroactively apply it to an older one that did not have this look before.

Originally Posted by Alexkral View Post
Yes, that's what I was talking about. I think that at least in part that's because of the ICtCp color correction, and it's not fixed. It looks too exaggerated in your screenshots, in my case it's not so much. If that's the only cause, you can get rid of that yellow/orange (sometimes even red) cast by checking "compromise on HDR tone & gamut mapping accuracy" under "trade quality for performance", which I think means that the tone mapping in done in RGB. The side effects are an excesive desaturation especially of highlights, and a hue shift of very brigh and saturated greens and reds to yellow which I actually find more pleasant.
There may be other things going on perhaps, but these movies have been regraded with the teal-orange look.
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