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Old 10th December 2004, 16:00   #16  |  Link
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Join Date: Apr 2002
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Ooops ... I found something on my HD:

function BlindDeHalo2( clip clp, float "rx", float "ry", int "strength", bool "interlaced" )
rx =         default( rx, 3.00 )
ry =         default( ry, 3.00 )
strength =   default( strength, 125 )
interlaced = default( interlaced, false )

function m4(float x) {return(x<16?16:int(round(x/4.0))*4)}

i  = interlaced==false ? clp : clp.separatefields()
mm2=yv12lutxy(i.expand().blur(.8).expand(),i.inpand.blur(.8).inpand(),yexpr="x y - 2 *")
sm1= i.bicubicresize(m4(oxi/rx),m4(oyi/ry)).bicubicresize(oxi,oyi,1.0,.0)
sm1d=yv12lutxy(i,sm1,yexpr="x y - 18 "+ST+" / "+RR+" / / 128 +")
clean=yv12lutxy(i,sm1d,yexpr="x y 128 - -").mergechroma(i)
clean1=maskedmerge(i,clean,mm2.expand.blur(1.58).expand .levels(32,1.0,255,0,208,false))
return last
rx,ry [float] - the [assumed] radius at which the EE formerly was done
strength [int] - hmh, I forgot what this is for - but I remember it should be between 0 and 200
interlaced [bool] - either for interlaced sources, or for progressive ones where the EE was applied on a field-basis, not on a frame-basis

A setting of (2.0,2.0,100) will do almost no harm even to a source that doesn't have any EE.
A setting of (3.25,3.25,150) should let vanish even very strong EE that was formerly applied at a radius of 3.

Don't forget the MaskTools v1.5.5, in case anyone doesn't have them yet ...

Synthetic example:

- We´re at the beginning of the end of mankind´s childhood -

My little flickr gallery. (Yes indeed, I do have hobbies other than digital video!)

Last edited by Didée; 10th December 2004 at 16:28.
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