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Old 4th March 2019, 00:47   #460  |  Link
Matroska find' ich toll
Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 1,379
chapterEditor(cE) rev1.14 is available.

A major update for the Matroska Tags editor.
Matroska Tags Profiles are now available, much like the Disc Title Profiles.
The Tags tabs are saved as a profile and can be applied to other Tags/tabs.
The profiles are normal Matroska XML files and are stored in a folder.
The default folder is located in subfolders in the cE data folder and can be changed in the settings.
For changing, the folder button must be used, or in the edit field with ENTER also the folder dialog is opened.

In the specified folder already existing Tags.xml files can be copied and
cE then reads these automatically as new profiles at the next start.

To apply a profile, there are other options that use/do not use specific Tag values.
With a right click on the button Apply a selection list opens.

Change chapterEditor

added    &
fixed    *
improved #
changed  %

rev1.14 2019-03-03
// chapterEditor
& Whether the cE-form was "normal" is now stored in the ini-file

// Matroska Tags
& Tags Profiles
  - Apply: more options(button right click) for using specific Tag values
  - Append: Append profile to existing Tags/tabs
  - Profiles folder: the default folder is located in the cE.Data sub-folders, changeable in the settings
  - the profile name is also the file name and must be unique
  - Action range: Profiles can be applied to all tabs
  - Double-click to apply a profile
  - adjustable hotkeys for the Treeview and the edit field(name)

& new Hotkeys for Tags Treeview (settings)
  - Open profiles (CTRL + Y)
  - Apply last used profile (Y)
  - Append last used profile (SHIFT + Y)

& Action range for all Targets values
  - applicable to all tabs
  - also for target-UIDs (add, edit, delete, clear)

& Action range for Tags
  - for now only one option: All Tags
  - applicable to all tabs

& Consolidate all SimpleTag in the first Tag
  - Tag count, limits the number of used Tag's, "0" means all Tag's
  - Hotkey for the TreeView init: SHIFT + C

& the value for TargetTypeValue is displayed in the treeview (if used)

* TagUID type was initiated incorrectly
  - if the type was not changed, TagTrackUID was always used

* In very rare cases cE crashed at the tab change

* The settings for an XML element were not loaded after pasting a copied/cut element into another tab/treeview

# Change the value for TargetTypeValue: in the editor and in the settings
  - the value for TargetType is no longer changed if "are not using" is selected

% rearranged a few components
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