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Old 20th April 2004, 14:04   #13  |  Link
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Yes, that's inteded for now, because it's the way the program calculates the values (it's designed to optimize JPEG DTC matrices). I may try to transpose the values, but I never found out exactly what XviD's scanning method was. I think it's right, down left, down, up right, etc. Also, this was optimized for a specific scene, so it's possible the values were affected by that. It's also possible that the numbers might reflect certain human perceptual traits (sensitivity to certain "zones" within the DCT table) since the program generated it according to it's perceptual model.

In any case, typo or not, I was able to run some short tests - and yet again, this matrix came up with more detail and less artifacts that any other matrix I've tested so far (h.263, Jawor's, HVS Best, mpeg, and a few more of my own). I eventually want to test every matrix that was included with LigH's quant editor. I also hope other people can test it, so that it can be exposed to a large number and type of test cases. If people report good results, I may try to come up with a better one based off of the same principles. At the moment, the scene that it's doing really well on is high-motion.
Stuff was here at some point.

Last edited by SoonUDie; 20th April 2004 at 14:21.
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