Thread: Avisynth 2.6 MT
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Old 21st February 2011, 17:11   #147  |  Link
Big Bit Savings Now !
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Join Date: Feb 2007
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Just playing around:

SEt's avisynth.dll 32 MT Build 2.6.0 2009 09 19 in sysWOW64 on a Win7U64.
CPU i7920XM, 8GB RAM, SetMemoryMax=1536

Uncompressed PAL SD YUV source
Feeding VirtualDub 1.9.10 to render as uncompressed YUV.

Renders 50 frames in VirtualDub 1.9.10, then raises unknown exception.
No matter if script uses SetMTMode or not. Lowering SetMemoryMax to 768 did not help.

The same script on same engine, same system
with straight avisynth.dll non-MT in sysWOW64 :
Both MemoryMax values run properly.
VirtualDub uses ~600MB.

Different system (WinXP32 SP3, CPU T7600G, 4GB RAM), same script
with straight avisynth.dll non-MT in system32:
Both MemoryMax values run properly.
VirtualDub uses ~600MB.

Edit: Now finally I could catch the error message on Win7U64.
On WinXP it disappeared too quickly to even be read...

This time the script was

ComplementParity()#Parity is vital for AnimeIVTC when performing fieldblend PAL to fullframe IVTC !
#ReverseFieldDominance(shiftup=false)#(PAL Only ! YUY2 oder RGB only) ...Like CCE's shift lines by 1
#RevFieldDom: PAL DV is expected to be sampled bottom field first.
#In case of a device sampling top field first this filter can reverse field dominance
#by simply shifting each line up (or down) by one line and duplicating the bottom (respectively top) line.
ConvertToYV12(interlaced=true)#AnimeIVTC needs YV12 !
AnimeIVTC(mode=2, aa=4, precision=3, killcomb=0, cache=15, normconv=true\
, bbob=4, omode=1, dark=0.2, thin=10, sharp=150, smooth=-1, stabilize=false, aablk=8, aaov=4, aatype="EEDI2")
#(clip i, int "mode", int "aa", int "precision", int "killcomb", int "cache", bool "ifade"\
#		, bool "chrfix"\
#		, bool "blend"\  
#		, bool "normconv"\
#		, int "pattern"\
#		, int "pass", bool "rendering" \
#		, int "bbob", int "cbob", string "edimode", int "degrain", int "omode"\
#		, int "i1", int "i2", int "e1", int "e2", int "e3", int "p1", int "p2" \
#		, int "overlap", int "pel", int "search", bool "nnedi2pel", string "credconv"\
#		, float "dark", int "thin", int "sharp", int "smooth", bool "stabilize", int "tradius"\
#		, int "aapel", int "aaov", int "aablk", string "aatype")
#*/#--------------------------------------------------------End of AnimeIVTC-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#/*#--------------------------------------------------------Spatial Frame Pre-Alignment-------------------------------------------------------------------
#                           Before Roll-Decimating a film scan, you may have to align the borders first ! Often film scans are skewed !
#                        VCMohan's plugins needed here: Grid, Perspective, Spinner, Reform=deskew+skew. Avoid Reform, poor resizer !
#grid(sf=0, ef=framecount, lineint=10, bold=5, vbold=2, grid=true, axis=true)#Comment grid in to see where the transformations end up
ConvertToRGB#Perspective needs RGB !
Addborders(2, 2, 2, 2)#Perspective has to discard 2 border pixels for calculations and makes these black, we pad up borders before with 2 pixels black
perspective(a=-0.00001, b=0.0, x=+1400, y=0)#Perspective needs RGB !
Crop(2, 2, -2, -2)#Perspective introduced a 2 pixel black border, we padded these up, now we crop them off
#grid(sf=0, ef=framecount, lineint=10, bold=5, vbold=2, grid=true, axis=true)#Comment grid in to see where the transformations end up
#ConvertToYV12(interlaced=true)#(RGB was needed for Perspective only)
#spinner(check=false, angle=+0.7, q=4)# sometimes exceptions thrown...
#          Deskew transforms a Quadrilateral part of the frame (source at least 1 pixel per side smaller than frame)
#          into a Rectangle within the frame (at least 1 pixel per side smaller than frame) Result shows stairstepping ! Poor resizer (point??)
#deskew(last, blankclip, ltopx=2, ltopy=2, lbotx=12, lboty=height-2, rtopx=width-2, rtopy=2, rbotx=width-2, rboty=height-2, resize="cubic")
#/*#------------------------------------------------------End of Spatial Frame Pre-Alignment-------------------------------------------------------------
#--------------------------------------------------Intermediate Conversions, Resizing, Assumptions------------------------------------------------------
AssumeFPS(25)#If the result of any Pulldown-Removal into 24p is to be fed into an Edius PAL-Project. Otherwise Edius will reblend 24p->25p !!!
#------------------------------------------------End of Intermediate Conversions, Resizing, Assumptions------------------------------------------------
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"To bypass shortcuts and find called QUALity" (Die toten Augen von Friedrichshain)
"Data reduction ? Yep, Sir. We're that issue working on. Synce invntoin uf lingöage..."

Last edited by Emulgator; 9th March 2011 at 08:47.
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