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Old 20th April 2012, 00:31   #11610  |  Link
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Is it possible to convert TrueHD to DTS-HDMA (TrueHD > WAVS > DTS HD Encoder) and keep the same sound for the TrueHD tracks that apply DRC to improve the sound? (at least I think it's the DRC that's doing this ?).

This problem arises with the Transformers 3 TrueHD 7.1 track (and people tell me Iron Man is probably the only other movie doing the same). The converted DTS-HDMA track does not sound the same as the original TrueHD. Some sounds at different moments in the movie have more presence with the original TrueHD track. It makes the sound better, more dynamic.

I think this is caused by the DRC (?) that's applied differently on the different channels at different moments.

The TrueHD track sounds better with PowerDVD 12 compared to the converted DTS-HDMA, but with MPC I don't seem to hear a difference (this leads me to think that MPC doesn't apply the effects and so it doesn't handle the TrueHD metadata correctly (?).

PCM and DTS-HDMA can't modify the sound at playback time in the way TrueHD does. How can I save the wavs with the full TrueHD sound experience?

To summarize, I would like to convert TrueHD to DTS-HDMA and have it sound as good on hardware receivers and PowerDVD (now with eac3to the audio source quality is the same, but many sounds are lacking presence in different parts of the movie).

(This is the first movie I am having this problem with. It seems the Transformers 3 sound engineers wanted to TrueHD track to be reproduced with improvements applied to the Lossless track it contains - and the whole experience is indeed more enjoyable to my ears with these improvements).

PS: sorry mods, I have opened this thread before, but I think here is the right place as it concerns eac3to

Last edited by Bigmango; 20th April 2012 at 00:52.
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