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Old 5th September 2014, 13:48   #3  |  Link
Retried Guesser
raffriff42's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2012
Posts: 1,373
Hoo-ha! The trick is to build the multi-colored bar ahead of time.

## Last=YV12

## begin user config section: ######################

## (debugging)
#ShowFrameNumber(x=30, y=30)
#ShowTime(x=80, y=50)
#return Last

## progress bar placement
global barhgt = 16  ## bar height (not tested at other heights)
global lftpad = 16  ## left pad
global rgtpad = 80  ## right pad
global botpad = 16  ## bottom pad

## colors etc
global outlclr = color_black ## outline color
global outlopc = 0.75   ## outline opacity (should be >= progress bar opacity)
global outlwid = 3      ## outline width (0 for no outline)
global progopc = 0.5    ## progress bar opacity
global txtclr  = transparent_color(0.75, color_khaki) ## progress text color

## scenes must be assigned clip var's

## - assign each scene a color
##   preset color chooser: see 
global gF = StackHorizontal(
\       BlankClip(Last, length=1, pixel_type="RGB32", 
\                 width=C1.FrameCount, color=color_khaki),
\       BlankClip(Last, length=1, pixel_type="RGB32", 
\                 width=C2.FrameCount, color=color_indianred),
\       BlankClip(Last, length=1, pixel_type="RGB32", 
\                 width=C3.FrameCount, color=color_khaki)
\   ).BilinearResize(Width-(lftpad+rgtpad), Height).ConvertToYV12
\    .AddBorders(lftpad, 0, rgtpad, 0)
\    .Loop(-1).Trim(0, -FrameCount)
## (you may want to save this as a still image and enhance in a paint program)
#return gF

## assembled timeline
C1.Dissolve(C2, 30).Dissolve(C3, 30)
#return Last

## /end user config section ########################

## progress bar master rectangle
global ox1 = lftpad
global ox2 = Width - rgtpad
global oy1 = Height - (barhgt+botpad)
global oy2 = oy1 + barhgt

## do it!
return ProgressBar3

### create a multicolored progress bar that is slowly revealed as video plays
function ProgressBar3(clip C)
    ## filled progress bar + fixed readout
    Animate(C, 1, C.FrameCount, "simple_box_3", 
    \       gF, 1.0, 
    \       gF, ox2-ox1)

    ## outline
    Last = (outlopc<=0.0 || outlwid<1) ? Last
    \ : BoxMaskOverlay(
    \      ox1, oy1, ox2, oy2, 
    \      color=outlclr, opacity=outlopc, 
    \      outline_width=outlwid, maskblur=0.5)

    return Last

### video clip as progress bar + fixed readout
function simple_box_3(clip C, clip F, float "wid")
    ## progress bar
    bx1 = ox1 + 1
    bx2 = bx1 + Round(wid) 
    by1 = oy1 + 1
    by2 = by1 + barhgt - 2

    ## progress readout
    progress = wid/(C.width-(lftpad+rgtpad))*100

    return C.BoxMaskOverlay(
    \           bx1, by1, bx2, by2, 
    \           outline_width=0, over=F, 
    \           opacity=progopc, maskblur=0.3+Abs(wid-Round(wid)))
    \       .Subtitle(String(progress, "%0.2f")+"%", 
    \           x=ox2+8, y=by1-1, size=barhgt-1, text_color=txtclr)

### DrawBox mask
## @ x1, y1   - left, top of rectangle mask
## @ x2, y2   - right, bottom of rectangle mask
## @ wid, hgt - width, height of rectangle mask; x2, y2 have priority
## @ outline_width - if zero (default), draw a filled rectangle; else draw outline
## @ preclear      - if true (default), start with a pure white (opaque) clip, 
##                     else keep C inside rect & set to black outside
function BoxMask3(clip C, 
\                 int "x1", int "y1", int "x2", int "y2", 
\                 int "wid", int "hgt", float "outline_width", 
\                 bool "preclear")
    preclear = Default(preclear, true)
    w  = C.Width
    h  = C.Height
    x1 = Default(x1, 0)
    y1 = Default(y1, 0)
    x2 = Default(x2, x1+Default(wid, w))
    y2 = Default(y2, y1+Default(hgt, h))
    o  = Default(outline_width, 0.0)
    o  = 0.1 * Round(10.0 * Default(outline_width, 0.0))
    o2 = o / 2.0    

    C = (preclear==false) ? C.ConvertToY8
    \ : BlankClip(C.ConvertToY8, color=$ffffff)

    ## arg validation v2:
    x1   = Min(Max( 0  , x1 ), C.Width-2)
    x2   = Min(Max(x1+1, x2 ), C.Width-1)
    y1   = Min(Max( 0  , y1 ), C.Height-2)
    y2   = Min(Max(y1+1, y2 ), C.Height-1)
    ## letterbox args:
    llft = x1
    ltop = y1
    lrgt = Min(Max( 0, w-x2 ), C.Width-(llft+1))
    lbot = Min(Max( 0, h-y2 ), C.Height-(ltop+1))

    return (o>0.0) 
    \ ? C.BoxMask3(x1+Ceil(o2),  y1+Ceil(o2),  x2-Floor(o2), y2-Floor(o2)).Invert
    \    .BoxMask3(x1-Floor(o2), y1-Floor(o2), x2+Ceil(o2),  y2+Ceil(o2), preclear=false) 
    \ : C.Letterbox(ltop, lbot, llft, lrgt, color=$0).ColorYUV(levels="TV->PC")

### overlay a clip or solid color using BoxMask3
## @ x1, y1         - left, top of rectangle mask
## @ x2, y2         - right, bottom of rectangle mask
## @ wid, hgt       - width, height of rectangle mask; x2, y2 have priority
## @ outline_width  - if zero, draw a filled rectangle; else draw outline
## @ over           - if supplied, use for overlay fill, overriding "color"
## @ color          - default black
## @ mode, opacity  - cf. Overlay
## @ maskblur       - mask blur
function BoxMaskOverlay(clip C, 
\                       int "x1", int "y1", int "x2", int "y2",
\                       int "wid", int "hgt", int "outline_width", 
\                       clip "over", int "color", 
\                       string "mode", float "opacity", float "maskblur")
    color   = Default(color, $0)
    mode    = Default(mode, "blend")
    opacity = Float(Min(Max(0,  Default(opacity, 1)), 1))
    a_blur  = Default(maskblur, 0.0)

    w  = C.Width
    h  = C.Height
    x1 = Default(x1, 0)
    y1 = Default(y1, 0)
    x2 = Default(x2, x1+Default(wid, w))
    y2 = Default(y2, y1+Default(hgt, h))
    o  = Min(Default(outline_width, 0), w/8)

    over = (IsClip(over) && over.Width==C.Width && over.Height==C.Height) 
    \ ? over.AssumeFPS(C).Loop
    \ : BlankClip(C, color=color)

    return (opacity<0.001) ? C
    \ : C.Overlay(over, 
    \           mask=C.BoxMask3(x1, y1, x2, y2, outline_width=o, preclear=true)
    \                 .Blur(a_blur),
    \           mode=mode, 
    \           opacity=opacity)

## given Avisynth color, set its transparency
## @ a - 0.0 = transparent, 1.0 = opaque.
function transparent_color(float a, int color) {
    a = 255 - Min(Max(0, Round(a * 256.0)), 255)
    return BitOr(a*$1000000, BitAnd(color, $00ffffff))

Last edited by raffriff42; 18th March 2017 at 00:05. Reason: (fixed image link)
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