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Old 8th March 2014, 18:34   #1  |  Link
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FadeDeRainbow - Derainbowing Script

My try to remove rainbows.
If you want to tweak this filter, you're welcome.
Default values work good.

# FadeDeRainbow v0.32
# 2014-08-14
# Requirements:
# mvtools or mvtools from Dither Tools or newer
# masktools2-a48 or TurboPascal's masktool2 or newer
# Progressive video

Function FadeDeRainbow(clip c, int "thsad", int "diff", int "th", bool "show")
  thsad = default(thsad,3000)      # thsad value for MDegrain, derainbowing strength
  diff  = default(diff,3)          # Range: 0-127, Difference between degrained and original. 
                                   # If you set it too high, it inpands mask, therefore it can't remove rainbows.
  show  = default(show,false)      # shows mask
  th    = default(th,10)           # threshold for chubbyrain2's mask
  frame = c.framecount-1
  bif   = c.bifrost(interlaced=false)
    prev_frame=current_frame<>0 ? current_frame-1 : 0
    m1=mt_lutxy(u,getframe(u,prev_frame),"x y - 2 - 255 * y x - 2 - 255 * |u")
    m2=mt_lutxy(v,getframe(v,prev_frame),"x y - 2 - 255 * y x - 2 - 255 * |u")

  uc    = c.UToY8().mt_convolution(horizontal="1",vertical="1 -2 1")
  vc    = c.VToY8().mt_convolution(horizontal="1",vertical="1 -2 1")

  mc    = mt_lutxy(uc,vc,"x y + "+string(th)+" > 256 0 ?").pointresize(c.width,c.height).mt_expand()

  uo    = bif.UToY8()
  vo    = bif.VToY8()

  super = bif.MSuper(sharp=2,rfilter=1)
  bv2   = super.Manalyse(isb=true,delta=2,overlap=8,blksize=16,truemotion=false)
  bv1   = super.Manalyse(isb=true,delta=1,overlap=8,blksize=16,truemotion=false)
  fv1   = super.Manalyse(isb=false,delta=1,overlap=8,blksize=16,truemotion=false)
  fv2   = super.Manalyse(isb=false,delta=2,overlap=8,blksize=16,truemotion=false)
  deg   = MDegrain2(bif,super,bv1,fv1,bv2,fv2,thsad=thsad,plane=3)

  ud    = deg.UToY8()
  vd    = deg.VToY8()

  diff  = string(diff)
  m1    = mt_lutxy(uo,ud,"x y - "+diff+" - 255 * y x - "+diff+" - 255 * |u")
  m2    = mt_lutxy(vo,vd,"x y - "+diff+" - 255 * y x - "+diff+" - 255 * |u")
  mb    = mt_logic(m1,m2,"or").pointresize(c.width,c.height)
  mask  = mt_logic(mt_logic(ma,mb,"and"),mc,"and")

  norainbow = Overlay(bif,deg,mask=mask)
  return !show ? norainbow : mask

Function getFrame(clip c, int frameNum)
   return frameNum<>0 ? c.trim(frameNum,frameNum) : c.trim(frameNum,-1)

v0.32: 2014-08-14
- Minor tweak
v0.31: 2014-06-28
- Little speed up
v0.3: 2014-05-09
- Took chubbyrain2's masking
- Uses 2 times low memory
- Added Bifrost()
- Fixed chroma ghost bug... i hope
- Removed interlaced parameter which caused weird artifact
v0.24: 2014-04-20
- Changed default thsad value
v0.23: 2014-04-19
- Calls 2 resize functions instead of 8.
- If mask is too big make it black mask, because rainbows don't appear in big area.
v0.22: 2014-04-03
- Replaced subtract() with mt_lutxy()
v0.21: 2014-03-13
- minor bug fix
v0.2: 2014-03-11
- added interlaced parameter
- minor tweak
v0.1: 2014-03-09
- Initial Release

Last edited by bxyhxyh; 14th August 2014 at 17:31. Reason: new version
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