Thread: GSpot v2.60 b00
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Old 14th September 2006, 04:03   #45  |  Link
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Originally Posted by foxyshadis
Based on stegre's explanation (which belongs in any video glossary!), I'd guess that they're P-VOPs with a not-coded bit, aka N-VOPs, only unlike packed bitstream these ones have an actual duration. I need to decompose some elementary streams and look at this myself!
Thanks :) I actually got "distracted" (in a good way, I guess) and ended up spending so much time on that "composite screenshot" and the associated post last night that I now hardly have time to read, much less respond to, many of the other (both older & newer) posts in this thread. But I'll be back here as soon as I have some time.

But I do want to mention that, yes, foxyshadis, you are absolutely 100% correct. Which is why I posted earlier that SMD's file he mentions above was so "interesting" to me: I so rarely, if ever, run into the "regular" NVOPS - ones with non-zero time - that I had, in some spots in the code, assumed that any "not coded" frame was just a "packed bitstream marker", without bothering to check for the "zero-time" requirement (even though I was actually aware of this). The currently released beta version does have this bug in a number of spots, causing some functions (like the GSpot's "VGS" display of SMD's file) to display quite erroneously.

But sure, definitely look into it yourself if you're so inclined! - it'll help me make sure I've got this all straight myself.
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