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Old 8th May 2016, 23:00   #14  |  Link
Motenai Yoda
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modded a bit to avoid useless chroma processing

# Changes 2008-08-18: (Didée)
# - Replaced the ugly stackXXX cascade with mt_LutSpa() (requires MaskTools v2.0a35)
# - Changed Quant and Offset defaults to 24,28,2,4,4,8

# Changes 2010-05-25:
# - Explicitly specified parameters of mt_LutSpa()
#   (required due to position of new 'biased' parameter, starting from MaskTools 2.0a43)
# - Non mod 16 input is now padded with borders internally

# Changes 2010-08-18:
# - Replaced AddBorders with PointResize
# - Changed Quant and Offset defaults to 18,19,3,4,1,1 to reduce blurring

# Changes 2010-10-16:
# - Replaced 'relative' with the new 'mode' parameter in mt_LutSpa(), starting from MaskTools 2.0a45
# - Changed Quant and Offset defaults to 24,26,1,1,2,2 to increase effectiveness, but still within sensible limits.
#   (see for details:

# Changes 2011-11-29: (06_taro)
# - Replaced (chroma=uv>2?"process":"ignore") by (chroma=uv>2?"process":"copy") to avoid garbage clip when uv=2.
#   The formal parameter is not used by MaskTools2 any more, if ever used.
#   Foxyshadis once mentioned chroma="ignore" but I had never found a document containing it.

# Changes 2014-10-20:
# - Now calling to plugin deblock exclusively and not to the older function deblock of DGDecode

# Changes 2016-5-8: (Motenai Yoda)
# - Added internal variable uvp for skip chroma post processing when uv!=3
# - Replaced most (chroma=uv>2?"process":"copy") and all U=uv,V=uv by U=uvp,V=uvp to trash chroma planes when uv!=3
# - Replaced last (chroma=uv>2?"process":"copy") by (U= uv<2 ? 1 : uv,V= uv<2 ? 1 : uv) to trash chroma planes when uv=1|-1

function Deblock_QED ( clip clp, int "quant1", int "quant2", 
 \                     int "aOff1", int "bOff1", int "aOff2", int "bOff2", int "uv" )

quant1 = default( quant1, 24 ) # Strength of block edge deblocking
quant2 = default( quant2, 26 ) # Strength of block internal deblocking

aOff1 = default( aOff1, 1 ) # halfway "sensitivity" and halfway a strength modifier for borders
aOff2 = default( aOff2, 1 ) # halfway "sensitivity" and halfway a strength modifier for block interiors
bOff1 = default( bOff1, 2 ) # "sensitivity to detect blocking" for borders
bOff2 = default( bOff2, 2 ) # "sensitivity to detect blocking" for block interiors

uv    = default( uv, 3 )    # u=3 -> use proposed method for chroma deblocking
                            # u=2 -> no chroma deblocking at all (fastest method)
                            # u=1|-1 -> directly use chroma debl. from the normal|strong deblock()

#select once if chroma will be post-processed or not
uvp = uv==3 ? 3 : 1

# add borders if clp is not mod 8
padX = clp.width%8 == 0 ? 0 : (8 - clp.width%8)
padY = clp.height%8 == 0 ? 0 : (8 - clp.height%8)
clp=clp.pointresize(clp.width+padX, clp.height+padY, 0, 0, clp.width+padX, clp.height+padY)

# block
block = clp.mt_LutSpa(mode="absolute",expr="x 1 + 8 % 1 < x 8 % 1 < y 1 + 8 % 1 < y 8 % 1 < | | | 255 0 ?",U=3,V=3)

# create normal deblocking (for block borders) and strong deblocking (for block interiour)
normal = clp.Deblock_deblock(quant=quant1,aOffset=aOff1,bOffset=bOff1)
strong = clp.Deblock_deblock(quant=quant2,aOffset=aOff2,bOffset=bOff2)

# build difference maps of both
normalD = mt_makediff(clp,normal,U=uvp,V=uvp) 
strongD = mt_makediff(clp,strong,U=uvp,V=uvp) 

# separate border values of the difference maps, and set the interiours to '128'
normalD2 = mt_lutxy(normalD,block,expr="y 255 == x 128 ?",U=uvp,V=uvp)
strongD2 = mt_lutxy(StrongD,block,expr="y 255 == x 128 ?",U=uvp,V=uvp)

# interpolate the border values over the whole block: DCTFilter can do it. (Kiss to Tom Barry!)
# (Note: this is not fully accurate, but a reasonable approximation.)
# add borders if clp is not mod 16
sw=strongD2.width sh=strongD2.height
remX = sw%16 == 0 ? 0 : (16 - sw%16)
remY = sh%16 == 0 ? 0 : (16 - sh%16)
strongD3 = strongD2.pointresize(sw+remX, sh+remY, 0, 0, sw+remX, sh+remY).mt_lut(expr="x 128 - 1.01 * 128 +",U=uv,V=uv)\

# apply compensation from "normal" deblocking to the borders of
# the full-block-compensations calculated from "strong" deblocking ... 
strongD4 = mt_lutxy(strongD3,normalD2,expr="y 128 == x y ?",U=uvp,V=uvp)

# ... and apply it.
deblocked= mt_makediff(clp,strongD4,U= uv<2 ? 1 : uv,V= uv<2 ? 1 : uv) 

# simple decisions how to treat chroma
deblocked = (uv<0) ? deblocked.mergechroma(strong) : uv<2 ? deblocked.mergechroma(normal) : deblocked

deblocked.crop(0,0,-padX,-padY) # remove mod 8 borders
Edit: foxyshadis's dctfilter 1.5.0 version seems to be still a bit bugged
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Last edited by Motenai Yoda; 8th May 2016 at 23:13.
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