Thread: AvsPmod 2.5.1
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Old 1st March 2011, 22:03   #274  |  Link
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Originally Posted by Dogway View Post
Hello, I must say I love avspmod, it makes me work fast.
But still there are a few things that could make it near perfect.

-Zoom (It takes time, like if reloading the script)
-An option to recover the working project when a program crashes (somewhere, not rewriting my working projects, but maybe autosaving dummies somewhere)
-Improve status bar, I have some options enabled, like position, and color in some formats. When I check these the right part where Res,AR,FPS,Color Space are, become partly hidden.
-Option to go to a frame without rendering video (just when F5), when theres no current video rendered.
-And write a framenumber (in the box) and ability to F5 (no Enter as for now 2.0.5 I use)
-When I F5 and get an error, next time I F5 the frame rendered is another one.
-Separate function call window and function highlighting (There are some filters I may not want to call but want to see they are there working and may have options to edit)

That said Im going to update to 2.0.7 right now, but a last question, if I import the functions from .avs and .avsi will they rewrite my actual function definitions? (in case it matches the function name)
Thanks for you feedback. I'll try to address some of your issues:

- Yes, the zoom function does render the script again when you change the zoom level. I'm not sure if its possible to change this behavior
- The last session is automatically saved. If you launch avspmod without loading any script, the last session should be automatically restored.
- Regarding the status bar, are you working on a small screen or with a small sized window? I don't seem to have any issues when AvsPmod is maximized. If you are saying that there isn't enough room on your screen to display all of the information, how would you suggest improving this?
- Why do you want to seek to a frame but not preview that frame? I can't understand the purpose of this.
- Can you rephrase your last suggestion, so that I can understand it better?

Regarding importing function definitions, yes, I believe that existing definitions will be overwritten. However, when you import functions, it will popup a box asking you which functions you want to import. If you don't want to import certain functions, you can just deselect them.
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