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Old 19th September 2008, 15:12   #151  |  Link
Posts: n/a
Upload complete (see posting #130). You should now have 3 independent traces (including the old/deprecated one).

- compare the two traces of "The Day After Tomorrow" to identify "random" data returned by the traps (like timestamps)
- compare one trace of "The Day After Tomorrow" with a trace of "I Robot" and look at the the result of the traps to identify disc/movie dependent data.

Good luck/have fun. I will continue to study Trap_AES as planned.

Edit: Trap_AES: the key with opOrKeyID=4 is a constant stored in the key section of the player. It's transformed and i need to reverse the transformation so you can use it with your unmodified AES implementations.

Edit: Trap_010 seems to update the Watchdog Timer. After the first call of Trap_010 in "The Day After Tomorrow" the timer is set to 0FA0h (or decimal: 4000) so program execution will break quickly afterwards. Very likely some changes are made to the guest system so don't panic if you run into problems after this trap. I will look into this soon.

Edit: After Trap_010 execution continues at *r28 (thanks to [anonymous])

Edit: I have compared two snapshots before and after the first Trap_020 call in "The Day After Tomorrow" and found no difference.

Edit: I made a snapshot before and after the first execution break (by the watchdog timer reaching 0) and found no differences. The watchdog timer was again set to 0FA0h (=4000) so this regular interruption is maybe to allow other player functions to be run on the processor of the player. But probably more likely this is a regular check for player events.

Last edited by Oopho2ei; 20th September 2008 at 17:41.
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