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Old 19th December 2004, 19:19   #99  |  Link
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Originally posted by thop
Could someone take the source code and make a linux command line version from it? Unfortunately there is no such tool that unpacks AVIs available for linux
It should be pretty easy, if someone wants to try with Mono. Something like this will work (well, it doesn't change the user data, but that wouldn't be too hard either) assuming the rest of the code compiles:
static void Main(string[] args) {
	UnpackAVI(args[0], args[1]);

static void UnpackAVI(string source_path, string dest_path) {
	MPEG4FrameModifier mp4_mod = new MPEG4FrameModifier();
	AVIModifier avi_mod = new AVIModifier(source_path, mp4_mod);
	mp4_mod.Unpack = true;
If someone does this, please wait before releasing it so it can be based on MPEG4 Modifier v1.3.0 (hopefully will be out within a few days).

EDIT: I just compiled an ran the above code with the Windows version of Mono, it worked fine. I'm not too familiar with Mono, but I assume a binary compiled in Windows with 'mcs' would run in Linux?

EDIT2: I had someone running Linux test it, no problems .

Last edited by Moitah; 19th December 2004 at 20:17.
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