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Old 22nd November 2004, 00:07   #78  |  Link
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All with 80% weight would probably be preferable, even though it means all frames will be blends it would be smoother. Thanks for the info.

It all makes sense now. The idea is definitely a good one, but I've decided for the moment to not specifically handle 60i in tfm/tdecimate for a couple of reasons so it will not be able to accomplish the type of processing you want. I think the idea would be better off in its own filter anyways. Maybe someone else will take up the idea and try turning it into a filter. It would mainly be about accurate detection of all the different types, the merging and sync to create the final output stream would not be that difficult.

And here is TFM v0.9.1[link removed, new version is linked farther into thread], this one includes all the features I originally planned... post-processing has been added, exclusion band was added, user overrides for post-processing was added, and some other small changes (default values and what not). Like I said above I decided to not try to specifically handle 60i for the moment so any frames that come out of tfm combed are simply deinterlaced resulting in 30p. PP includes blending and modified-ela (which I stole from tdeint), both motion-adaptive and dumb modes. The motion adaptivity and deinterlacing in general is different then that in tdeint and is geared for cleaning up combed frames that come through field matching because of orphaned fields or missing fields. If you don't like either blending or ela then I included the ability to specify an externally deinterlaced clip (i.e. deinterlaced with another filter) from which TFM will grab deinterlaced frames. This option will also work in conjunction with TFM's motion adaptivity so only pixels in moving areas are taken from the external clip. (see the "clip2" option for details).

TDecimate is also coming along pretty fast and should be finished soon, just need to add two-pass stuff, input/output options, and user overrides.

I decided not to add double rate output since it would be hard to get it all working correctly with overrides and everything. I think the best solution would just be a script based one instead of having double rate output inside of TFM.

Last edited by tritical; 28th November 2004 at 22:09.
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