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Old 22nd December 2004, 13:58   #5  |  Link
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Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 17
Yes, you really sold your soul to Devil. Do you know the story about man named Faust? What he did for money, success and so on? And how he was terminated after having money and success? Don’t play with the Devil. Hidden leaving suspected file dae.dll (maybe another files too) in system after refusing install or deinstall DAE is a very bad practise (in my opinion). I personally admire your work on AutoGK and GK, but if you will play with Devil many users could change their faith in you. I understand your need of money or something else, but chosen way seems to be way to Hell. Please, think it over. Money is not THE ONE reason we are living for. Have a nice day and Holiday. Buk

PS: DAE couldn´t be safely uninstalled, because dae.dll stays in system
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