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Old 15th February 2019, 01:53   #54742  |  Link
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Originally Posted by Alexkral View Post
I'm sure you're aware that there are a lot of charts and online calculators for viewing distance and angular resolution. I like this because it takes into account the visual acuity:

In my case with a 65'' screen at 1.5 m I can definitely see the difference between 4k and upscaled 1080p. But yeah, the content matters, I've been watching 4k transfers of old movies and the only benefit seems to be limited to the film grain.
Well I don't think you're applying the math correctly when it comes to viewing.

To notice the difference between 4K and 2K, that requires quite a close viewing distance. This is problematic in that you see so little of the frame.

So are we watching the movie, or trying to find little pixels ?

It might work as a technical standard, but it's simply impractical to be CLOSE ENOUGH , all for the sake of discerning ppi.

We're interested in the Whole picture. And that's fundamentally how they came up with the 2K standard to begin with.

They knew that Limitation for comfort viewing is well out at 2-4 meters for most sizes of TV screens.

And THAT being the limiting factor, they applied the acuity function and decided ~2K resolution is more than sufficient.

I'm not against 4K, but you can't apply the acuity function backwards, and say, let's sit this close, because we have to notice these 2 lines are different lines.
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