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Old 16th October 2018, 13:06   #6537  |  Link
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The Input/Output chapter timings displaying together in the GUI is nice addition, although as someone who's never satisfied, I now crave an additional column displaying the corresponding qp file keyframes too.

Originally Posted by Zathor View Post
EDIT2: new version online. fpsin cannot be changed anymore if the input file has fps information.
I've done an about-face and my current position on locking the input/output is to not do either.

Regardless of the input type, when the input/output fps are the same, the chapter input/output timings should always remain unchanged, IMHO.
There's no reason for the input fps not to default to the fps of the input file, and the output fps could default to the frame rate of a preview when it's opened. The input/output fps should effectively be a numerator and denominator though. If the wrong frame rates are specified, I'd classify it as user error.

A preview script has a fixed number of frames and a specific frame rate and duration. The only sane assumption is neither will change, so you'd be opening chapters from the source to adjust the timings to match the script output duration, and selecting the original frame rate as input fps and the script frame rate as the output fps should take care of that. The keyframe numbers would be based on the input fps.

If the total frame count has changed compared to the source, when applying IVTC to an NTSC DVD for example, the preview frame rate would still be the output frame rate, but the input fps must be 23.976 even if the input IFO insists on 29.970fps.
If the input/output fps are both 23.976, the chapter timings won't change. The keyframe numbers would be calculated based on a 23.976 frame rate.

Lastly, the total frame count and duration for the script output could both be different to the source. Applying IVTC to an NTSC DVD and speeding it up to 25fps, for example. The input fps needs to be 23.976 no matter what the IFO says, and the output would be 25fps. The chapter timings would be adjusted according to the change in duration, and once again the corresponding keyframes numbers are calculated according to the 23.976 input fps.

So now I've thought about it again, I probably over-thought it a little before. Two rules should cover the common sense scenarios, with or without a preview.

Rule 1: If the input/output fps are the same, the chapter timings don't change, even if they don't match the source/output frame rate. The keyframe numbers are based on the input fps.

Rule 2: If the input/output fps are different, they become the numerator and denominator for chapter timings and stretch them accordingly, but they don't "stretch" the keyframe numbers. They're still based solely on the input fps.

Unless I've under-thought it this time, I think that covers it.


Last edited by hello_hello; 17th October 2018 at 17:17.
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