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Old 19th March 2003, 00:51   #4  |  Link
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That is the worst guide I have ever seen. The English is barely coherent. If you know what youi are doing then this is fine, if you are a beginner I guarantee they don't get past step 6. If you want to write a guide learn how do communicate.

Step 6 should say something like.

1. Select Open.
2. Select your Video_ts.ifo file.
3. Look in window where it says VMG OVerview. Below that you will se Number of Title Play maps. The largest is most likely your movie.

Step 7??? Region free each IFO and get vts Sectors in Ifoedit? Which one do you open first. Do you region free each ifo first then vts it or do you do one after the other? This is gibberish.