View Full Version : Wrong subsize after encoding movie in vdub

26th June 2003, 17:13
If I play the movie in zoomplayer before encoding, just with the ssa subfile named as the movie, all is correct, even if I output it to my tv. But after I encoded it in vdub, (I'm using the filter from avery)it turns out way to small in the finished movie. I have to set the font size in the ssa file to arial 40 before it's ok. any ideas and/or help?, thanks
[EDIT] forgot: I'm normally using Arial 18 or 20
Here's the header from the subfile:
[Script Info]
; Sub Station Alpha v4 script.
; ---------------------------------------
; Generated with SUB2SSA v2.0

Title: Løver2.srt
Original Script: SUB2SSA
ScriptType: v4.00
Collisions: Normal

[V4 Styles]
Format: Name, Fontname, Fontsize, PrimaryColour, SecondaryColour, TertiaryColour, BackColour, Bold, Italic, BorderStyle, Outline, Shadow, Alignment, MarginL, MarginR, MarginV, AlphaLevel, Encoding
Style: s2s_def_sub_set,Arial,44,&HFFFFFF,&HFFFFFF,&HFFFFFF,0,-1,0,1,2,1,2,1,1,35,0,255

26th June 2003, 19:23
could be because you don't have a statement like
PlayResY: 576
in the [Script Info] section.
AFAIK whis will be guessed from your screen's vertical resolution (lets say 1024) if missing. If now the filter takes the input video's Y resolution (say 480), then it would think it will have to downscale all the text by more than half. I use 1024 but this of course means i also use fonts like 36/48. If you set it to like 480 or 576 you should be able to use font sizes around 20 (in theory, i never tested - else just use big fonts :)

26th June 2003, 20:34
Hi unmei
& thanks,
yes my resolution is 1280x1024, never gave that a thought :) but i think it's the explanation, tried to change resolution, and in VD the subs now was split in 4 lines :) taken up half the movie.
