View Full Version : How to make left-aligned subtitles appear centered ?

5th December 2002, 20:28

I have ripped several movies and added permanent subtitles to them tafter ripping them with VobSub. However in most of these subtitles there is a specific "problem" :

When there are two lines in a specific quote, the two lines are not centered the one under the other, but they are aligned on the left, which makes it rather bad-looking. (i.e. they both start from the same position on the left and they end up a-ssymetrically on the right)

I have downloaded some subtitle files off the net ( they are in ASCII .sub format I think) and they *ALL* appear centered (the two lines are symetrically aligned the one nder the other), even for the movies whose subs appear to be aligned on the left on the original DVD !

So I was wondering, is there any way to make the two lines of the subtitles appear centered ?

Thanks in advance.