View Full Version : Framerate in DVD2AVI 1.86

20th June 2002, 06:39
I've noticed this and tested it several times:
DVD2AVI 1.86 when using Forced Film makes the file have a framerate of 23.975 this framerate ends up causing audio desynch unless you manually synch it.

However if you use an older version of DVD2AVI say 1.76 which comes with Gordian Knot the Forced Film framerate is 23.976 which will not have desynched audio if you put in the delay expressed in the filename created with Smart Ripper.

To see the frame rate simple use AVIsynth and load the .avs into NanDub and go to File Information.

Try it for yourself and see if it does it for you.

26th June 2002, 08:08
We know this problem. Many people say before.

I suggest you modify .d2v file it generated directly to change th frame rate. It's a text file.