View Full Version : ISubRenderProvider libass

16th May 2016, 17:02
i didn't create this and i didn't provided any code to this at all.


works with madVR.

it doesn't work with EVR CP using mpc-hc
but it is loaded as a filter.

in my personal and very limited tests using an i3 4130

this prototype is already faster than xy subfilter when rendering at UHD resolution.
it uses a lot less ram than xy subfilter.

i have compiled a version of this but i'm not sure if i can simply share this complied filter and if i can i don't know how to do it correctly. so i don't share a complied version until i know this.

so i would like to know what other doom9 user think about this and how it works for them.

before this it was kind of impossible to render animated subtitles at UHD for me.