View Full Version : Make subs narrower

27th September 2008, 17:18

I want to author a DVD with DVDMaestro. I want to include two subtitles, one for 4:3 and one for 16:9 (using the mapping function). But if I watch the video on a widescreen television, the subtitles look horizontaly stretched. So, I thought I should make the subs for 16:9 television narrower, so that when played back on a widescreen television the narrow subtitles are stretched out to a normal size. But how can I make the subtitles narrower and then import into DVDMaestro?

28th September 2008, 11:27
But how can I make the subtitles narrower and then import into DVDMaestro?
One solution is to use MaestroSBT to create the SON subtitle files for Maestro. You create one set using the 16:9 Correction setting and the other using the 4:3 Correction setting. The 16:9 ones become very "narrow" at 720x480 but look "normal" again when being played as part of the DVD. MaestroSBT accepts SSA format text-based subs as input.

28th September 2008, 17:57
Ok, thank you! It works. One thing though: It seems that it is not possible in MaestroSBT to create anti-aliasing in the subtitles. You only can select a primary color, an outline color and an outline size. Do you know how to set the anti-aliasing also?

PS: I use [Compressed TIFF] and the [Color rendering] mode is set to [only one set of text, antialias and outline color], [sticky colors] is activated.

28th September 2008, 19:29
Do you know how to set the anti-aliasing also?
I'm surprised you didn't spot it. In the Rendering screen, tick "Only one set of text, antialias and outline colors.". Which is what you said. But it's also how you do it. How is that not creating antialiased subs for you? Using the default colors, red is the anti-alias color. Check out the BMPs after creating the subs. Oh, and I use Windows BMP 4-bits, although I don't think that would make the difference. Actually I create SST subs for Muxman, and not SON subs for Maestro. The SST subs have to be 4-bit and I'm not positive what the SON subs for Maestro have to be.

29th September 2008, 10:48
Ah, now its working. I had read somewhere to set the color of the antialiasing the same as the primary color, but the antialasing color has to be a different color of course. Now everything is fine. Thank you.

29th September 2008, 11:01
You're welcome. I almost always set black as the outline, a dark grey as the anti-aliasing color, and a lighter grey as the main color. I do that later on, after the DVD is finished, using PGCEdit, although DVDSubEdit can also be used to set the final colors. If you're authoring with Maestro, maybe you can set the displayed colors in there, I don't know.